Student Profile: Richard Lee
This time last year, I was busy reviewing documents, getting vaccines, and packing (or mistakenly unpacking) the things that I needed before heading off to the U.S.
After nearly 24 hours of flight, one transit, and a brief emergency stop at Chicago due to engine problems, I finally arrived at my final destination, Washington D.C. By the time I walked out of Dulles airport, I knew that I was about to have one of the most unforgettable experiences in my life—my very first “studying in the US experience” at Georgetown University.
Like most of the classmates in my class, I had done some research on the Intensive English Program prior to my arrival, yet I was still surprised by the wide variety of topics and materials that the course has to offer.
Luckily, I was enrolled in Intensive Professional English. Just like its name says, the program was packed with advanced reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities to enhance students’ comprehensive English skills. Part of the year focused on business, and part focused on governmental and non-governmental organizations. Being a trade officer myself, the course arrangements of the IPE program was everything I ever needed to improve our English skills in the professional field.
In March, the COVID-19 pandemic hit the U.S. and like English programs across the country, we switched to a remote learning environment. I was so impressed with how my teachers adapted to the new environment so quickly. They provided new online activities, business meeting simulations and individual sessions to make sure that we could still enhance our speaking skills. My professors shared posts and memes to keep us motivated everyday. We still participated in online social events and workshops.
As the saying goes, there is no end to learning a language. Having studied one year in Intensive Professional English, I have now returned to my country and continue to improve my English skills whenever I can. Although I am nowhere near the final destination, I am confident to say that I have taken a major step forward in the journey of learning English thanks to Intensive Professional English.
Are you interested to learn more? Click HERE for information regarding the Intensive Professional English program.