Faculty Profile: Sherry Steeley, Ph.D.
Dr. Sherry Steeley is a faculty member in the Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certificate program and has been very active in coaching faculty across the Georgetown University School of Continuing…
Student Profile: Richard Lee
This time last year, I was busy reviewing documents, getting vaccines, and packing (or mistakenly unpacking) the things that I needed before heading off to the U.S. After nearly 24 hours of flight,…
ELC Staff Profile: Dr. Suzanne Matula
Dr. Suzanne Matula is Director of Programs in Georgetown’s English Language Center (ELC). Interviewer Regan Carver is a Program Manager in the ELC. RC: Please describe your work in the English Language Center…
Director’s Corner: New flexibility for eight-week studies caps a period of change for Georgetown’s English Language Center
Our immediate priority after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic was to ensure that Georgetown English Language Center (ELC) students, staff, and faculty were safe and that our courses continued as smoothly as…
Reflecting on Spring 2020 and Looking Toward the Future
Earlier this month, students in the Intensive English Program reflected on their semester, and time in the program during the first-ever virtual certificate ceremony. Students expressed gratitude and looked toward their next steps…